Sunday, April 29, 2012

Signs That Your Man Is Ready

(Retrieved from TIA's old account, first published in June 17, 2010.)

My pamangkins, Tonya and Yoyo.
In an ocean of nameless faces around us, it’s really hard to find someone man enough to bring you down the isles. Undoubtedly, every woman is on the hunt looking for their shining armor. They may have been in a relationship for a long time, yet they still can’t be certain if their man is worthy enough to exchange vows with. The question now is whether or not your guy is showing any indications of being ready to tie the knot.

Men are hard to read. They’re like nutshells either afraid or refuse to be put on the spotlight. Not most men openly show signs they are ready for the real thing. So I asked a couple of friends, men and women alike, as to their opinion in relation to this issue, based on the assumption that the guy got a stable job. These are not clear-cut policies or hard-and-fast rules in answering those questions, but at least maybe you can look into and check these stuffs for your reference. There’s no harm in considering them anyway. Just make sure you’ll take these in an objective manner, in a way that won’t offend your partner.

Conscious Withdrawals
Men are big spenders. Some of them toss around money like they got a gold mine in their pockets. But when he frequents himself on a bank and always think of his ATM receipts like a Secretary of Department of Treasury, then he’s up into something good. You might notice he keeps track of his withdrawals with tons of receipts on his wallet.

Photo from yahoo image search.
Erecting A Post
Most of the time, the youngest in the family gets the house. You’re lucky if your guy is the youngest, you’ll have an instant love nest. But if it’s the other way around, then you’ll have to see what his plans will be. Part of a guy’s pride is having and building his own house. He’d rather erect a post and have his own place wherein he can exercise his authority as a man. But if he insists on staying on his parents’ house with the rest of the family, then you’ll have to think twice. If not dream of putting up his own house, he thinks of renovating his parents’ manor.

Cleaning Up His Closet
Mobile phones. Networking accounts in the internet like Friendster, Camfrog chat rooms, and Facebook. Name it, they have it. These are men’s better means of connection with different warm-blooded species. Carefree, you might find a lot of nasty things on their vault. But when your guy starts cleaning them up, keeping only contacts with his business associates, you should start wearing your smile for he’s showing to you that he’s yours, especially when he lets you look into his closet.

Photo from yahoo image search.
Boar On Leash
Definitely men are party animals. They love to strut around bars rubbing skins with other girls, swag in and out of different places of entertainment with friends, drive pointlessly at the street, spend the night anywhere with someone else or return home late, if not drank, tipsy.  And yes, there are still hundreds of ways of beating the break of dawn. However, there will still come a time when they choose to stay home watching tv, reading or killing their time storming over work related things. And if you find your guy putting himself on a leash with his drawing boards instead of “boaring” around the city, then put a check on your list because you got yourself a good catch. It will then be easy to pull your man down the discussion table over marriage matters.

Slippery Fish
Of course a guy can’t party by himself. There will always be a devil’s advocate to drive him crazy. But when he stores a lot of alibis to excuse himself from friends’ invitations to paint the town red, you can say then that your man is beginning to mature and getting himself ready to spending more time with you.

Keeping Hard Earned Penny
Basically, men are impulsive buyer. In contrast to women who spend a lifetime in buying a particular product, men hate prolonging the purchase process.  They can procure something in an instant, as fast as they can shell out money for bottles of beer in a drinking spree. But as they become more serious and consumed in a relationship, their earned penny gets stuck in their wallet. Eventually, they turn out to be a wise spender. Thus, if your man is beginning to grow pockets under his skin, then you’re almost safe with him financially for he’s into saving spree.

Photo from yahoo image search.
Pee Friendly
Around the city you’ll find the word “toys for the big boys” printed on cars and other motorized vehicles. One thing is for sure, men love cars. But cuddling babies on their lap is another thing. This is so since not all men love to play with kids, toddlers or babies. And having a baby pee on their lap is one of those nightmares they wish not to experience.  On the other hand, your man might be telling you something special if he keeps on hugging and kissing a baby or having a great time playing with kids despite the stinking pee. The man you’re looking into is actually projecting that he can be or will be a caring father in the future.

Big Mouth
One of the things that women hate about men is their tendency to avoid serious conversations, especially when they feel like they’re being purposely trapped into something. However, as you go along your relationship and your man starts talking big about getting married, that should immediately ring a bell to you. It may sound strange to you, but try reading between the lines every words coming out of his mouth and you might be able to return to your sanity. More conversations about it should be on the way.  

There are still hundreds of means and approaches in telling if your man is really a husband-material and whether he’s ready to get married. You may set your own set of standards in finding the right man. And with all those times you and your man have been together, you should be able to sense, see and understand the things he’s doing. And when the two of you have come to the end of the line, don’t hesitate, ask your man if he’s man enough to marry you. But always be ready to take “no” for an answer.

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